Resources and Tips

Appraising advice and insights from our fellow expert members

10 Tips for New Art Collectors

I’m always being asked by new art buyers for help in better understanding the art markets so here is an introductory list of ten tips that can provide some foundational knowledge.

Learn and study as much as you can about art.The more art you can look at the more you’ll start to identify styles and images …

10 Questions New Art Buyers Are Afraid to Ask

Many people interested in learning more about buying original art are intimidated by the art world and are afraid to ask about what they don’t know. If this describes you, then you are not alone. To support new art buyers in building a foundation of art market knowledge, here is an introductory list of …

Death, Disaster, Debt and Divorce – the Need for Personal Property Appraisers

An article in the Huffington Post offers advice to consumers on how to navigate the “4 D’s” in Personal Property: Death, Disaster, Debt, and Divorce.

“When a loved one dies, a personal property appraiser can help determine the value for an equitable distribution of an estate as well as any potential federal, state, or local …

10 Questions to Ask When Hiring an Appraiser

Questions to Ask When Hiring an Appraiser 1. What qualifies you to appraise this object?Appraising personal property is an unregulated profession which leaves the consumer with the burden of determining whether the appraiser they engage is qualified. A qualified appraiser is knowledgeable about the object being appraised and trained in appraisal theory, the principals …

What to Know When Donating Art

What to Know When Donating Art In today’s collecting marketplace, many high net worth individuals (HNWIs) are building large and, in some cases, important art collections. They will often make donations from their collections to museums and other organizations, either as charitable gifts or under a certification as cultural property. The process for this …

Are Your Appraiser’s Credentials Real?

Are Your Appraiser’s Credentials Real? Recently, ISA appraisers and their clients have noticed numerous advertisements and promotional material from other personal property appraisers who may have completed a Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) course and describe themselves as a “USPAP Certified Appraiser.” Others may deem their appraisal reports “USPAP Certified Appraisals.” Both …

Another Tax-Shelter Scheme Bites the Dust

I noted a year-end news item last week that will be of interest to those involved with donation appraisals, and familiar with the ongoing battles between the Canada Revenue Agency and those seeking to avoid taxes through various tax-sheltering donation schemes. To date, the CRA has denied more than 5.9 billion dollars in donation …

Behind the Headlines

London Sale Sets World Record for Picasso Ceramics

June 21, 2013: A ceramic vase by Pablo Picasso, which has sold for a new world record price of almost £1 million for ceramics by the artist at a Christie’s sale (photo from Christies).   PABLO PICASSO (Spanish, 1881-1973) Large Vase with Veiled Women (Grand Vase …

It’s Not Right – Fakes, Fear and Litigation

“It’s Not Right”: Fakes, Fear and Litigation

It is no wonder authenticators are dwindling in numbers and appraisers, writers of catalogue raisonnés and just about everyone else in the art world seems to run in fear of litigation when there is doubt about the authenticity of a work of art. Getting it wrong, or getting …

6 Expert Tips From a Gemologist About Buying Jewellery on Holiday

As gems and jewellery specialists, we are frequently asked by our clients for valuations on their gem stones or jewellery purchases. Often this happens after the client has made a purchase during their holidays. They arrive home suddenly filled with self doubt and the cold reality of their impulsive purchase. For the majority of …