Kathryn Brown
ISA Member
CONTACT(416) 889-0521
(416) 889-0521
Ajax and the Greater Toronto Area, Ontario. L1T 4B8
- Antiques - Canadiana
- Antiques - Furniture
- Books - Maps - Manuscripts
- Ceramics
- Collectibles - Coins
- Collectibles - Glass
- Collectibles - Stamps
- Collectibles - Toys
- Decorative Arts
- Estates
- Gems and Jewellery
- Household Contents
- Consultant
- Damage Claims
- Divorce Settlements
- Donations
- Equitable Distribution
- Estate
- Estate Probate and Capital Gains
- Insurance Claims
- English
Owner, All
As a credentialed member of the International Society of Appraisers (ISA), I offer USPAP-compliant, personal property appraisal services to help clients navigate everything from insurance claims and estate tax to charitable donation tax credits and personal sales. My specialty is Antiques, Furnishings and Decorative Arts. Whether you’re seeking accurate valuations for peace of mind or financial planning, I’m here to provide trusted expertise for your unique needs.
Clearing my family’s estate taught me a lot about how to identify and research collectible items. I decided I wanted to become a Professional Organizer and a Professional Personal Property Appraiser. I earned my Advanced Professional Organize certificate from QC Design School in 2023. I am also an active member of the Professional Organizers in Canada group. I became a credentialed Member of the International Society of Appraisers in late 2024.
Please visit my website for more information. I look forward to assisting you with your appraisal needs.